
Ease your tax filing processes with automated calculations, error detection, and customizable reporting
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    Business Function

    uTax is a tax tool designed for businesses to manage their tax-related work effortlessly. Tax professionals can contact clients, get documents, confirm the appointment, automate calculation, rectify errors, and lot more to help tax professionals.


    Quote-Based pricing


    Drake Software, ATX Tax Software, Lacerte Tax Software, TaxAct Software, UltraTax CS Software


    Features And Benefits

    Paperless Office

    Reduce the amount of ink and paper used as everything could be quickly done through electronic devices like mobile, laptop, or tablet.

    Remote Signature

    Send documents to the client so that they can review and even sign the documents from their mobile device, avoiding the unnecessary commute.

    Customized Reporting

    Easily create customizable reports for your business and export to Excel. The data in these reports will help to make important business decisions.

    Push Notifications

    Keep in touch with your clients by sending them to your clients regularly, reminding them of office hours, IRS Updates, or new services launched.

    Return Emails

    Send clients their tax returns with all the security features like encryption and password protection in one step with the complete peace-of-mind.

    Contact Information

    Provide the contact details of all your employees to the clients so that they can contact them whenever required without any hassle.

    uTax With Tax Software On Cloud

    Integrate uTax with tax software to ease the complete process of tax filing from the staring till the end. uTax being a cloud application, can give you real-time updates of the documents from customers, IRS guidelines, and a lot more to keep your tax business in control anytime and anywhere.

    Hosting your desktop tax software and uTax on Ace Cloud Hosting’s platform will give you an end-to-end business solution with benefits like –

    • 99.99% Uptime
    • Enterprise-level Security
    • Business Continuity
    • 10 Days Rolling Backup
    • Always-On Support
    • 10-day Free Trial