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    Host Your Add-Ons Contact Ace Cloud Hosting

    POS2NET is an eCommerce solution for retailers using QuickBooks Point of Sale where an online storefront is created easily and automatically integrated with QuickBooks POS software. It helps retailers to eliminate the manual entry process and to sync data accurately with QBPOS.


    POS2NET – $50/month (Setup Fee- $149)

    POS2NET Pro – $59.95/month (Setup Fee- $249)

    POS2NET Pro Multi Store – $79.95/month (Setup Fee- $349)


    QuickBooks POS


    Features And Benefits

    Instant Online Storefront

    With POS2Net, you can get your online retail store created in one hour that you can add on to your Facebook page, or your website (dynamic, static, or hybrid). The online store includes detailed product pages and catalogue view which is easy to use and simple to maintain.

    Managing Retail Processes

    You can manage the items from your QBPOS which you want your customers to view or purchase. You can choose the option to reorder when item is not in stock or to sale only when item is in stock.

    Synchronize Items With QuickBooks

    POS2NET ensures synchronization of all the items of QuickBooks Point-of-Sale system and inventory for easy in-store and online store management. Also, the photos, description, and thumbnails are easily added to the online store.

    POS2NET And QuickBooks Point-of-Sale On The Same Cloud

    Ace Cloud Hosting offers POS2NET and QuickBooks POS on the same cloud environment, where you can get the sales report and inventory changes in real-time. This real-time access allows you to monitor the customer behavior habits for both – online store as well as in-store. With Ace Cloud Hosting, you get more benefits like:

    • 99.99% Uptime
    • Always-on Support
    • Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
    • High-Performance Cloud (HPC)
    • 45-Days Backup
    • 10-day Free Trial