Infusionsoft by Connex

Sync InfusionSoft with your QuickBooks Desktop and sync orders, inventory, etc. from various sales channels
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    Host Your Add-Ons Contact Ace Cloud Hosting

    Infusionsoft (Keap) by Connex is a cloud-based solution that connects your accounting software with e-commerce solutions. Eliminate manual errors and double data entry by integrating connex with your accounting software to increase your profits and save time.




    QuickBooks Desktop (all versions except POS), QuickBooks Online


    Features And Benefits

    Sync Inventory

    Save time for yourself by eliminating double-entry data and manual errors. Achieve higher customer satisfaction by keeping your clients’ books always up-to-date.

    Add New Sales Channels

    Sync your QuickBooks accounting software with multiple sales channels such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and more. Simplify accounting by keeping your inventory updated.

    Simplify Taxes

    Optimize your year-end deductions by keeping track of all your expenses, fees, and COGS for your clients. Streamline processes by tracking payment processing fees and shipping costs.

    Top-class Support

    Get an efficient resolution to all your questions from understanding the Connex basics from choosing the right plan, setup, and configuration to understanding the advanced features.

    Automated Data Transfers

    Get an efficient resolution to all your questions from understanding the Connex basics from choosing the right plan, setup, and configuration to understanding the advanced features.

    Summarize Sales

    Generate daily summary sales and group them by month, or payment methods to simplify accounting. You can also track revenue and expenses more accurately.

    Host With Ace Cloud Hosting For More Benefits

    Connex automates accounting, inventory, and products from multiple sales channels. Syncing it with your accounting software will let you have better control over all your data from one single app. It would reduce manual errors and save you a lot of time and effort. Additionally, hosting your accounting software on the cloud and syncing it with the cloud-based applications can streamline your business operations. Ace Cloud Hosting’s high-performance cloud offers additional features like:
    • 99.99% Uptime
    • Always-on Support
    • 45-Days Backup
    • Round-the-Clock Support
    • Flexible Pricing Plans
    • Multi-level Security