Nolan Foster

Nolan Foster

Connect with Nolan Foster

With 20+ years of expertise in building cloud-native services and security solutions, Nolan Foster spearheads Public Cloud and Managed Security Services at Ace Cloud Hosting. He is well versed in the dynamic trends of cloud computing and cybersecurity.
Foster offers expert consultations for empowering cloud infrastructure with customized solutions and comprehensive managed security.

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Crowdstrike vs Sentinelone: Which One To Choose?

With the rise in cloud usage, organizations are continually adopting it and sharing documents. Workforce mobility and the number of connected devices are also rising with an increase in data…

What is Email Security? Definition & Uses

If you use emails, your business can be a target for hackers. Emails are the #1 threat vector today. Someone could be reading your team’s emails at this very moment….

What Is SIEM (Security Information & Event Management)? Why Is It Important?

The days of single-layer neural networks have long passed. Today, small to medium-sized enterprises have complicated IT networks with multiple endpoints, tools, and processes. The security needs of growing businesses…

Uber Hack 2022: The Lapsus$ Cyberattack

Uber faced a significant cyberattack on 15 September, compromising the ride-hailing company’s internal systems and communications for several hours. According to their official statement, Uber has identified the attacker as…

6 Benefits Of Managed SIEM Services For Your Growing Business

It’s time to modernize your network visibility and threat detection tool. The new wave of managed SIEM solutions has made sophisticated threat detection accessible to small and medium businesses. So,…

What is Phishing Email? Types of Email Attacks

We live in an era of clogged email inboxes. As per Spamlaws 2022 report, 45% of all emails are spam. Because of email’s widespread usage, it has become an extremely…

How Important Is EDR For The Healthcare Sector?

Endpoints are a favorite attack surface for cybercriminals due to lax cybersecurity measures and unaware end-users. The entire global workforce has witnessed massive cyberattacks targeting endpoints, ranging from industries like…

How Can Fintech Companies Benefit from Managed Security Services?

On April 17, 2022, US-based finance platform Beanstalk Farms lost $180 million in a cryptocurrency heist. A few days later, CashMama, an Indian Fintech enterprise, reported a large-scale data breach…

Managed SIEM vs. On-Premises SIEM: What’s Better?

Nobody questions the importance of a security information and event management (SIEM) solution any longer. Organizations of all sizes have recognized that they cannot compromise on the unparalleled network visibility…

6 Reasons To Choose EDR Over Antivirus

Is your endpoint security advanced enough for new-age security threats? Technological stagnation is a significant danger in today’s cybersecurity landscape. With threats evolving and becoming more sophisticated at a rapid…