What is Desktop as a Service (DaaS)?

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is a cloud-based subscription service that delivers managed desktops to users and has now evolved to be compatible with multiple devices. With Desktop as a Service (DaaS), users can access their desktops from anywhere, on any device, as long as they have an internet connection. This eliminates the need for physical hardware and reduces the costs associated with traditional desktop computing. Two kinds of desktops are available in DaaS—persistent and non-persistent.

Persistent Desktop:

A persistent desktop is a virtual desktop that users can customize and save to look the same way each time a particular user logs on. These desktops require more storage than non-persistent desktops, which can make them more expensive. However, the benefit of a persistent desktop is that users can install software, save files, and personalize their desktop environment to their liking. This makes them ideal for power users who need a specific set of tools and applications. Recommended Reading: Persistent VDI vs. Non-Persistent VDI

Non-persistent Desktop:

A non-persistent desktop is a virtual desktop that is wiped each time the user logs out. These desktops are merely a way to access shared cloud services, so users cannot install software or save files locally. However, non-persistent desktops are more cost-effective and easier to manage, making them ideal for organizations that need to provide a standardized desktop experience to many users.
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A Complete Guide to Desktop As a Service
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Desktop as a service: Debunking Myths
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How Does DaaS Work?

Desktop as a Service solution (DaaS) provides virtual desktops to users through the cloud. Instead of running a desktop on a local computer, the user accesses a virtual desktop on a remote server. The virtual desktop looks and functions like a traditional desktop, with a graphical user interface (GUI), desktop applications, and a file system. When a user logs in to their virtual desktop, the DaaS provider allocates a portion of the server’s processing power, memory, and storage resources to the virtual machine (VM) running the desktop environment. This VM is then assigned to the user, who can use it as if it were their desktop. The user can access the virtual desktop from any device with an internet connection, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The virtual desktop is hosted in the cloud, meaning the DaaS provider is responsible for managing and maintaining the underlying infrastructure, including hardware, software, and security. This makes DaaS an attractive option for organizations that want to reduce their IT infrastructure costs and simplify desktop management. DaaS service providers typically offer a range of service levels, from basic desktop hosting to fully managed desktops that include software licensing, patching, and updates. Some DaaS providers, including Ace Cloud Hosting, also offer integration with other cloud services, such as storage, backup, and disaster recovery. In this scenario, the end user’s data is safely stored in the cloud whenever they log off from the system. Every time they work on virtual desktops, the users get access to their data, no matter which device they use or their operating location.
Work from Anywhere with Fully Managed DaaS Experience

Benefits of Desktop as a Service (DaaS): How It Empowers Your Business

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is a cloud-based solution that offers many benefits to organizations of all sizes. Why Adopt DaaS Here are some of the most compelling advantages of DaaS:

Enhanced Performance

DaaS providers use high-performance computing servers far more advanced than typical physical desktops. As a result, organizations can expect top-notch performance, even when running complex applications like 3D designs or engineering software. This increased performance can lead to increased productivity and user satisfaction.

Simplified Application Deployment and Configuration

Installing and configuring applications on physical desktops can be time-consuming and costly. DaaS streamlines this process by handling all the technical details for you. This can save your organization time and money, as you won’t need to invest in expensive application deployment technologies or a team of IT experts to manage the process.

Easy Administration and Support

With DaaS, many technical issues and performance constraints plaguing on-premises VDI solutions are shifted to the provider. Your organization won’t have to worry about infrastructure maintenance or technical support issues. Many DaaS providers also offer 24/7 support to ensure that any problems are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Increased Security

DaaS provides an extra layer of security by storing data in a secure, hosted environment rather than on vulnerable physical devices. DaaS providers also offer advanced security safeguards such as multi-factor authentication, intrusion detection and prevention systems, multiple firewalls, and data encryption. It also protects your organization’s data from potential cyber threats.

Improved Business Agility

With DaaS, your organization can quickly and easily adapt to changing business needs. DaaS is scalable and provides a pay-as-you-go consumption model, which means you only pay for what you need. It’ll help your organization stay agile and competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment.
Take Your Data Security To New Heights With DaaS: Know How!

DaaS Vs. VDI: Differences Between DaaS and VDI

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) are different approaches to delivering virtual desktops to end users. While both technologies allow for remote access to desktop environments, they have significant differences. One major difference between DaaS and VDI is that DaaS is a subset of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) delivered as a subscription model.

Ownership and Control

When it comes to ownership and control, VDI requires a significant investment in hardware, software, and maintenance. The organization is responsible for setting up and managing the entire VDI infrastructure, including servers, storage, networking, and virtualization software. It can be a costly and time-consuming process, requiring specialized IT skills. On the other hand, DaaS eliminates the need for organizations to purchase, manage and maintain hardware and software infrastructure. The DaaS provider manages the infrastructure and virtual desktop environment, allowing the organization to focus on its core business operations. It also means the organization needs more control over the infrastructure and virtual desktop environment. However, this can also be seen as an advantage, as the organization can benefit from the DaaS provider’s expertise and experience in managing the infrastructure and ensuring security and compliance.

Lower TCO

When it comes to Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), DaaS often comes out as the more cost-effective option compared to VDI. VDI requires a dedicated IT infrastructure, including hardware and software, which can be costly to acquire and maintain. On the other hand, DaaS offers a pay-as-you-go model, where users only pay for what they use. It can be particularly advantageous for businesses with fluctuating workforce needs, as they can quickly scale up or down as required without incurring significant expenses.


VDI requires significant planning and infrastructure investment to scale up or down to meet changing business needs. However, DaaS providers can scale resources up or down as needed, allowing organizations to meet demand fluctuations without the hassle of managing and maintaining their infrastructure.


While VDI can offer better performance due to dedicated infrastructure, DaaS has made significant strides in recent years, making it a more viable option for organizations. DaaS providers now utilize advanced virtualization technologies and high-performance hardware to ensure customers can access resources that meet their requirements. While VDI may have an edge in terms of performance due to dedicated infrastructure, DaaS providers have closed the gap significantly, providing high-performance virtual desktops that meet the needs of most organization

DaaS Vs. VDI: Which Is Better?

VDI is managed by in-house IT staff, while DaaS requires a third-party provider to deliver a managed virtual desktop solution to the users. VDI is deployed in an on-premises data center, unlike DaaS, which provides virtual desktops remotely. An upfront investment in deployment and configuration commonly achieves a VDI solution. However, VDI is turned into DaaS to simplify the struggles associated with implementation. VDI is often regarded as a more challenging infrastructure from a technical standpoint. Therefore, DaaS is preferred by small and medium enterprises as they get significant advantages from it, including cost, security, and management, to name a few. To know more about which one suits your business needs, read this: Difference Between DaaS vs. VDI

What Are the Use Cases of Desktop as a Service?

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) has revolutionized how businesses operate by offering them an efficient and cost-effective solution for their IT needs. With DaaS, companies can access their desktop environment and applications securely from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility has opened a world of possibilities for organizations, enabling them to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Here are some of the most common use cases of DaaS:

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Enabling Secure Access to Resources Anywhere, Anytime

The current scenario of BYOD is the culmination of two developments, where users can access official resources from any device with the power of the cloud. As firms of all sizes embrace this tethered computing model, DaaS ensures employees can be productive, regardless of any chosen device. It allows firms to provide workforce access to resources they require, especially traveling employees, while simultaneously regularizing security and support. Recommended Reading: Why BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is essential for a Remote Workforce?

Mobile Workforce: Enhancing Productivity of Mobile Workforce

Businesses that work towards full-time productivity from remote employees feel the most significant demand for having DaaS in their system. The workforce’s productivity is limited to physical desks and personal devices such as laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. In DaaS, data resides in the cloud, accessed from any secure device. It aims to enable secure access to software, applications, and data on virtual desktops hosted in the cloud rather than on-premises. DaaS has advanced cloud-centric storage systems to ensure sensitive information is stored on a secure cloud server, adding more protection layers.

Digital Security: Securing User Access and End-to-End Encryption

The 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations report that 82% of breaches involved the Human Element, including Social Attacks, Errors, and Misuse. Thus, it’s unsurprising to note that this number has increased in 2022 as well and continues to grow. Note that the flexible work environment is becoming the new normal as organizations let employees leverage anywhere, anytime work environment. IT leaders are deploying Desktop as a Service (DaaS) to support the hybrid environment, further counting on secure sharing to keep up with the distributed workforce. The unrevealed secret to date is how to achieve a secure DaaS model that is worthy in the long-term aspect. Virtual desktops illustrate how a robust access management control system and encryption can restrict a firm’s openness to security threats.

Business Continuity - Ensuring Quick Restoration of Data During Disasters

DaaS solution has built-in redundancy to maintain business continuity during and after a local disaster. Data is backed up and replicated in multiple data centers to restore quickly in case of mishaps- helping them stay productive even out of the office. Recommended Reading: How Does Virtualization Help Disaster Recovery

How DaaS Eliminate Surprise Costs: Checkout the Pricing Benefits

The Desktop as a Service (DaaS) model is a fully managed deployment of virtual desktops from migration to security. They are created and maintained on a third-party cloud-hosted server and delivered as a fully managed VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) that can quickly replace on-premises VDI. Unlike DaaS, the latter is a more traditional method of hosting desktops on-premises. The DaaS provider embarks deployment, management, and upgradation of virtual desktops, eliminating the need to invest in high-end hardware comprising servers and expensive desktops to meet the growing hardware. DaaS comes to the rescue with slashed capital expenses and effortless IT expenditure- different RAM, storage, and memory. While DaaS pricing varies from vendor to vendor, DaaS costs are much lower than traditional VDI. Recommended Reading: Understanding how VDI pricing works

Factors Influencing Desktop as a Service Pricing

At ACE, we have DaaS pricing models for your convenience. However, these are not only the configurations we offer. We offer custom packages as per business needs. We configure each cloud desktop according to the CPU, RAM, and storage so that you would get the required performance.
USER TYPE   Ideal for Light Workloads like data entry tasks.  Ideal for Medium workloads like web browsing, productivity apps   Suitable for Heavy users like Software developers, testing engineers, business analysts   Specialized to meet developers’ needs 

Want a tailor-made DaaS plan? Get one today!


How Does DaaS Solution Fit Every Industry?

Desktop as a Service is here to stay! As more and more industries are embracing the vast virtual globe. Let’s look at five sectors that will gain from adopting the DaaS model.


Centralized desktops make it feasible for ITES firms to simplify and downsize the cost of administration and maintenance while making room for flexibility in resource utilization. ACE offers managed virtual desktops and apps that can be integrated more rapidly to support remote work. This solution sustains data security and backup in case of disruption to ensure business continuity.


The education industry can never go down. Even during the pandemic, schools and institutions were offering education online. Desktop as a service lays a better ground for research and collaboration from anywhere globally. Moreover, educational institutions can’t provide devices to students; therefore, multiple-device compatibility enables users to study from remote locations. Download e-Book Virtual Desktops for Education to Supercharge E-learning


Healthcare is considered the most sensitive industry where every patient’s data is essential. DaaS offers them better data security by storing it in highly secure servers. Its security needs make healthcare a perfect candidate for Desktop as a service. Doctors can access patients’ medical reports and records even during emergency visits.  Recommended Reading: Driving Pharma’s Digital Success With The Power Of Virtual Desktops


In this hybrid cloud world, the law industry moves all the time. Cloud desktops enable law firms to have a cloud-ready environment to collaborate with clients and access more different types of applications customizable on the cloud, such as Abacus Law, Amicus Attorney, and more.


DaaS comes with a silver lining for the BPO industry. Cloud desktops’ security, performance, user experience, and workspace management features cloud desktops make them quite lucrative for the BPO industry. It is much more practical than unmanageable hardware and complex infrastructure, resulting in downtime. Future hybrid needs are all about fully managed infrastructure. Download e-Book Secure Hybrid Work for BPO Companies: Ace DaaS Facilitates Real-World Foundations


Virtual desktops power financial institutions with a fully secure and managed digital workspace. Financial services companies are prone to cyberattacks the most. Thus, banks and insurers gain centralized security controls and instant access to apps, data, and communication on any device, network, and cloud.

Leverage Secure, Super-performing Desktop as a Service for Your Firm with ACE

ACE Desktop as a service is an all-in-one cloud solution that combines with Citrix Platform and supports both on-premises and cloud-based deployments. Our virtual desktops and applications benefit from cloud features such as scalability, enterprise-grade security, and minimal overhead costs. ACE virtual desktops have an extremely low fence total cost of ownership (TCO), making them suitable for any enterprise, regardless of size and industry. Besides addressing the mobility and performance issues of VDI, desktop virtualization solutions also reduce costs and enhance user experience to meet integrated digital needs. Be ready to work seamlessly on thin clients without worrying about performance. If you want to know more about how DaaS supports your business in the long run, consult our experts, who will guide you through every step.

DaaS Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Desktop as a Service cost?

The pricing of Desktop as a service ranges from $40-100, depending on the configuration you opt for and the customization required.

What is SaaS vs DaaS?

Software as a service (SaaS) is basically focused on delivering software applications to users. On the other hand, Desktop as a Service (DaaS) enables a comprehensive desktop experience for the user that is accessible from anywhere. SaaS is application-focused, and DaaS is virtually desktop-focused.

Is DaaS software?

No, DaaS is not software. It is a secure environment created by hosting desktops on a centralized server. DaaS is delivered as a hosted solution to the users wherein the DaaS provider looks upon all IT management tasks.

Is Citrix a DaaS?

Citrix is the top DaaS provider that offers cloud applications to users without complicating IT and compromising security.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

Find Julie Watson on:

Comments (1)

  • Malloy says:

    With the responsibility of the servers going to the cloud providers, DaaS is for sure going to gain a lot of attention and popularity in the coming time.

  • Jason says:

    The framework of DaaS is terrific and offers enormous benefits to the users. The future is here.

  • Geneva says:

    The remote accessibility that is provided by DaaS is a considerable benefit that is not given attention to by many people. It is one of the most underrated benefits of DaaS that will enhance how we work.

  • Jesse Aubin says:

    One thing that most DaaS solutions struggle with is servicing those who are disabled (visual/hearing impaired) who rely on local assistive technology (example, navigation software like JAWS). WCAG standards are geared towards typical web experiences and passing remote desktops/apps are not clearly addressed by their best practices. Would love to see DaaS platforms address these challenges as a priority. VMware has a VPAT, but it simply states that various aspects are not supported.

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