Accounting Events 2019: [Part 3 of 7] How to Prepare a Schedule to Balance Work and Events

Attending professional events is a proven way of having fun and still being productive. It’s essential for all professionals as it can add to knowledge regarding technology, helps networking, lead generation, and other updates in the industry.


There is a vast range of events, seminars, webinars, and others to fulfill the requirements of accountants, CPAs, entrepreneurs, and business professionals. In case you are looking to attend relevant and useful events, it is important to plan the schedule in a way that it doesn’t disturb your work.

Attending events can sometimes become difficult as your work life may get affected from it. In today’s competitive environment of businesses, it can be almost impossible to delay your work and tasks, and consume your time, money and energy to attend an event or conference.

So, it would help if you manage your work and events together in a strategic manner. In this article of Accounting Events 2019 blog series, we will discuss the steps to maintain a balance with work and event.

Here are four steps to prepare a schedule to balance your work and events:

1. Prepare Mindset First

‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them’Albert Einstein.

Indeed, preparing the mindset is a vital step to solve your problems. After your mindset is prepared to attend an event, you may feel a boost in your energy and a change in your attitude. Now, you must finish your tasks and projects before deadlines to make sure you can attend the event with a clear mind, without any worries. You will be more focused on the learning during the event than worrying about the pending work.


Differentiate between tasks which can wait and tasks which can’t. When you start planning for an event, ensure that priority work is scheduled to finish on time so that you have ample time to attend the event. You can follow the Eisenhower Matrix to manage the task per their importance and urgency.

Meanwhile, tasks that can wait will wait. The whole purpose of attending the event may be compromised if you are more focused on the unfinished works rather than being present at the event mentally.

2. Plan Events To Attend

While looking for the events to attend, ask the organizers about the details and focus of events to figure out which of the events are relevant to you and your firm. Don’t waste time attending irrelevant and useless events. Instead, you can boost about the relevant events that you visited on social media, blogging, and others.

Most of the organizers display the list of the events that will be conducted. Also, do check the list of speakers who will be taking the sessions and consider if you need their opinion or if it is worthy to take that speaker’s session. If the answer to your question is in affirmative, then mark that event. If it gets a negative answer, then cross that event from your list.

3. Work Remotely

Being able to work remotely can be a great solution to your problems as you can keep track of the work that can’t be put on hold and need your urgent involvement.

Cloud technology has changed the way businesses works. With remote access of QuickBooks and other business applications available at your service, not only it provides the freedom of workability but also helps in improving the team collaboration to enhance the productivity of your work.

So, ensure you are using cloud technology to be able to work even when you are traveling for an event. You can get back to your work anytime and from anywhere whenever you get breaks in the event sessions. It will also help you out in case you haven’t finished any of your tasks before going to the event venue.

4. Plan Your Schedule During the Event

Now, you are having a great time at the event, but you are curious how to decide whom to meet and when. In that case, schedule your meetings according to the events you are going to attend, who are going to host that sub-event, and other such factors. Now, if that attendee or contact looks promising for your relevant networking then meet them at the event.

Here is a quick checklist to help you schedule your meetings during events effectively:

  • Always carry your business cards. In case you don’t get time to interact with someone, you can always hand over your business card to be in touch with them in the future.
  • Keep a custom email template in your email app to quickly send it to the possible customers, business partners, and others you meet at the event.
  • Don’t forget to schedule your tasks throughout the event. Plan according to your event list, try to manage your tasks in between breaks and free time during the event.

Now, you are prepared to rock the events and that too without compromising your work life.

Wrapping Up

Prepare according to these steps and attend the event without any worries. Focus on the learning and networking during the event because that’s what all that preparation is about.

In the next article of the blog series, we will discuss the toolkit for attending the events and how to make sure you have everything to get the best out of the event. You can subscribe to Ace Cloud Hosting’s blog to get notifications in your email inbox. To see us on your social media timelines, you can follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Is there anything else you wanted to add? Do you have any request regarding what you want us to cover in this blog series?

Tell us in the comment section. We are all ears!

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

Find Julie Watson on:

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