8 Benefits of QuickBooks Premier Cloud That Will Transform Accounting

QuickBooks Premier is one of the most advanced and sturdy accounting solutions for accounting professionals globally. Features like bill payment, check printing, invoice creation, and expense tracking make it one of the most in-demand accounting software.

Transform your accounting experience with QuickBooks Premier cloud

However, many CPAs struggle with the lack of mobility and performance of the desktop software. It is where the cloud comes into the picture. Hosting QuickBooks Premier on the cloud not only enhances the performance and provides mobility to the CPAs but also improves security.

Let’s see more benefits of QuickBooks Premier Cloud.

1. Optimum Security

Every accounting firm is concerned with the safety of their critical data especially with the growing threat of data theft and leakage. Combination of software and desktop is great until there is a power outage, hard drive crash, or something significant such as fire. Negligence during data transfer or external attacks are some other factors which make the accountants sweat. However, cloud hosting eliminates all these worries.

With security features like anti-malware, antivirus, firewall, multi-factor authentication, and IDS/IPS, the critical data of the tax preparers stays safe without any chance of getting leaked. Also, cloud providers take regular backups of the data making sure that the data is never lost.

2. Easy Accessibility

Sending the files back and forth became a norm, which is a time-consuming task. In today’s hard and fast age, nobody has time to collaborate on emails and maintain the different versions of the files exchanged. Hosting QuickBooks Premier on the cloud enables the CPAs and tax preparers to work with their clients, colleagues and other users on the same files at the same time remotely.

It not only increases the collaboration among the users but also the users are no longer tied to their desks. The critical data can be accessed from anywhere on any device. It also increases the availability of the CPAs to their clients.

3. No Installation and Maintenance

With QuickBooks Premier software hosted on the cloud, there is no need for any software installation on the local system or spending money on the IT infrastructure. Also, the cost of having a separate IT team is eliminated as the cloud provider manages all the hassles.

Also, the resources can be scaled up or down depending on the business needs at a time.

4. Backup and Disaster Recovery

Accountants and CPAs don’t back up their data because of limited time and space on the local infrastructure. When QuickBooks Premier is hosted on the cloud, there is no need to worry about the backing up of data and its storage.

Multiple copies of the data are stored in highly secured data centers at various sites by the cloud providers. It ensures that the data is never lost even when there is some natural calamity.

It is a known fact that losing critical data can cause a massive loss to the business. There are a few cloud providers who offer disaster recovery plans who store the data at remote locations from where data can be easily retrieved and accessed.

5. Real-Time Collaboration

With the advent of cloud technology, accountants and tax preparers are now able to easily collaborate with their clients, colleagues, and other users of QuickBooks Premier software. It allows tax professionals, bookkeepers, and accountants to log in and work on the same files simultaneously regardless of their location differences.

For features of QuickBooks Premier that requires multiple parties to work together such as simplified tracking of expenses, payroll, invoice customization, and others, hosting helps the professionals to become more productive.

6. Work Efficiency

QuickBooks Premier hosting is not only a cost-effective way to secure the data but also helps to boost productivity and efficiency of the business and its employees. With an infrastructure that is capable of scaling up smoothly, CPAs and accountants can focus on the competitive advantages and the core strengths of the business rather than technology investments which ensure increased work efficiency.

Also, information transfer between devices, saving, and backing up of data are now done by the cloud provider and are no longer a worry.

7. Add-ons Support

CPAs and accountants are always looking for practical solutions to add value to the services and save time and money. Hosting QuickBooks Premier on the cloud fulfills most of the needs of the accountants.

However, there are always “ifs ” and “buts” as every user has different needs. Here is where add-ons come into the picture. Add-ons are apps that ride with hosted QuickBooks Premier to provide more functionalities to the user. There are plenty of add-ons available for QuickBooks Premier which can help a user save time, money and fulfill other needs of the business.

Add-ons on QuickBooks Premier hosting enable a common hosting platform, and it eases the data synchronization along with advanced scalability to ensure that your work efficiency is always optimum.

8. Cost Effective

Everybody wants quality work without spending too much money. QuickBooks Premier hosting on the cloud help the accountant or tax preparer to achieve that as there is no need for any IT infrastructure and a special local IT team for its installation, maintenance and updating as all these tasks are taken care of by the cloud provider.

Summing It Up

Businesses of any size can get the best of their processes by hosting their QuickBooks Premier on the cloud and making use of its benefits.

Benefits like optimum security, add-ons support and real-time collaboration help the businesses to increase their productivity and efficiency where features like high security and being cost-effective help the businesses in the longer run.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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