QuickBooks on Cloud: The Unparalleled Solution for Accountants and SMBs

Developed by Intuit, QuickBooks Desktop is one of the best accounting software available in the market today for small and medium-sized businesses. With its features and an easy-to-understand user interface, QuickBooks took the business world by storm.

QuickBooks on Cloud: The Unparalleled Solution for Accountants and SMBs

However, just like any other desktop application, QuickBooks Desktop has its fair share of limitations when installed on the local systems.

By moving your QuickBooks Desktop to the cloud, these limitations can be easily mitigated. And not just that, you get loads of advantages – remote access, data security, daily backups, etc., making it an unparalleled solution for accountants and SMBs.

Let’s look at some of the benefits in detail.

1. Remote Access

What if you’re stuck in traffic on a Monday morning and reach the office late. You’ll have to work late just because of this reason. This is a common problem while using QuickBooks Desktop as you can access the files only from the office, making remote working impossible.

However, with QuickBooks on cloud, you can access your QuickBooks data from anywhere, anytime. Moreover, you get the freedom to access the financial data from any supported device – mobiles, tablets, laptops, and the like.

Recommended Reading: How Can Accounting Firms Manage Their Remote Work?

2. Cost-effectiveness

If you decide to set up an in-house server to host your QB Desktop, it requires significant IT investments. You need to purchase everything and hire IT personnel for hardware maintenance. Such expenses make it difficult for small firms and startups to invest in them.

On the other hand, hosting QuickBooks on the cloud frees you from such expenses. You don’t need to purchase any hardware equipment, and your hosting provider takes care of the IT troubleshooting. Not just that, you get the liberty to choose the resources as per your needs and pay for only what you use. Hence, you save upon the money needed to set up an in-house server as everything is included in the subscription fees.

3. Data Security

Accounting firms need to ensure that their data is secure. They cannot lose their data because of incidents such as natural disasters or cyberattacks as it can lead to irreversible damage.

QuickBooks on cloud is one of the best ways to mitigate your data security concerns as the provider backs up the data regularly on secure remote servers. All your financial information like sales reports, payroll data, and tax reports are backed up in the servers, saving time and effort. Additionally, reputed hosting providers offer security features such as multi-factor authentication, end-to-end data encryption, antivirus management, automatic intrusion detection, and DDoS protection.

4. Scalability

As your SMB grows, so does your accounting data. Hence, you need more resources to accommodate more users, data, and QuickBooks updates.

QuickBooks on cloud gives you the liberty to scale up your resources based on your business needs and scale down when you do not need them. All you need to do is get in touch with your service provider and discuss your business requirements. You will get the resources you need in no time.

5. Third-Party Integrations

Being an accountant requires you to perform several functions to accomplish a task. You must work on multiple applications simultaneously and integrate them with QuickBooks to generate a solution for the company’s accounting needs. Doing the same on legacy systems can slow down your system performance, decreasing your productivity.

However, in the case of QuickBooks hosting, most servers use high-performance computing to ensure no performance lag. This way, you can integrate multiple applications with your QB without worrying about any performance and productivity issues.

6. Data Center Capabilities

Using a local server for storing your data can be unsafe as you can lose your data if the hard disk gets corrupted or in case of any other hardware failure.

An efficient solution to this problem is to use QuickBooks hosting. The servers used for hosting QuickBooks are located in state-of-the-art data centers where all the necessary power supply, networking, and cooling features are redundant. It ensures that you have access to your data in case of a hardware or power malfunction.

7. High Availability

Any hardware malfunction can restrict your access to your data in legacy systems. You can also lose access to your QuickBooks data if there is a power supply issue.

QuickBooks on the cloud avoids this by providing you with guaranteed uptime. The uptime details are clearly mentioned in your Service Level Agreement, and most service providers offer at least 99.99% uptime; this means that you will face a downtime of a few minutes per year.

8. Multi-User Collaboration

Delivering accounting services requires multiple stakeholders to work collaboratively, which is not feasible when using QB on local systems. This task becomes even more cumbersome when the people concerned are located at different locations.

QuickBooks on cloud allows multiple users to access the same data simultaneously from multiple devices. This makes it easier for you and your team to view, edit, and share a file, irrespective of the location.

9. Disaster Recovery

The traditional methods of storing data have numerous loopholes in them. For example, if your area is affected by a flood or an earthquake, you will permanently lose the data because of hardware damage or network loss.

Therefore, to avoid this, QB hosting provides you with an advanced disaster recovery method as your data is stored in multiple geographic locations. So, even if the data at one place is lost, you can retrieve it from another area, ensuring disaster recovery and business continuity.


The benefits of hosting QuickBooks on the cloud mentioned above clearly indicate its unique offerings for accountants and SMBs. You get your preferred QuickBooks version coupled with the advanced benefits of cloud.

Want to try QuickBooks on the cloud? Get in touch with our Solutions Consultant at 1- 855-ACE-IT-UP.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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