There has been seen an explosion of technological innovation in the past decade, and since then, almost every industry is experiencing the effects.
After years of being behind the pace of technology, the legal industry is finally catching up. Lawyers gradually realize the need to adopt technologically advanced solutions like cloud and leave behind traditional methods to satisfy their clients’ needs, streamline their legal practice, and achieve optimum results with increased productivity.

Cloud is one of the most evolved technologies that has been in headlines for quite a sometime now. Adopting cloud solutions for the legal industry can help overcome a set of challenges lawyers encounter along the way with the changing legal process and technology.
So, if you are a legal firm, here is how cloud adoption can solve the challenges:
Challenge 1: Unavailability of Data Access
Work is no longer a 9 to 5 routine, and when we talk about the legal industry, the work involves constant interaction with the clients even after the office timings. While away from the office, attorneys might want access to the legal documents to share the updates with their clients and be in touch with them.
Moreover, there might be some essential case headlines to discuss while the legal practitioners are on vacation or the managing partner demands to have the document. All-time availability of legal practitioners is a must to manage each task, but they cannot always be physically present to meet the needs.
Hence, this poses a significant challenge to attorneys.
No matter the place, whether you are away from your team members, in the courtroom, or on holiday, the cloud solves the mobility challenge.
It allows you to access the legal documents and information across multiple devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops. With the mobility advantage, you can even track cases, activities, and time to manage workflow better. You can always have your data handy.
Challenge 2: Risk of Data Loss and Breach
When the data is stored in in-house servers, it is exposed to cyber threats, hardware malfunction, malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and much more. All of these can cause a threat to the most sensitive client information.
Other security issues include power outages, natural disasters, and backup recovery issues. All these sabotage the integrity of the data and pose a significant challenge to their client’s legal documents.
On cloud, as the information is stored on remote servers of the provider, the highest levels of security measures are kept in place. Security measures such as data encryption, multi-factor authentication, firewalls, anti-malware, redundant power systems, and video surveillance ensure total data security.
Challenge 3: Inability to Scale the Resources
It is always hard to predict the business’s growth, and with a growing business, the nature of IT needs. When the business demand increases, the need for the storage space to run a business also increases.
To ensure there is no disruption along the way and the business does not get affected, it is necessary to respond to the increased demands.
However, to meet the business’ demands, storing data in the past required a lot of investments in server resources and people to manage your storage resources properly. Companies spent millions of dollars on managing their IT needs.
Cloud proves to be a savior for companies spending a lot in scaling the business. Scalability in the cloud provides flexibility in cost and time to manage the business.
When the business grows, you can scale up the number of server resources currently used or add units to increase the storage space. Similarly, when the business demand decreases, you can again move back to the original setup and configuration.
Therefore, the capability to upgrade and downgrade the resources helps in managing the volume of traffic coming with business growth.
Challenge 4: Higher Costs
Legal practitioners who just started to deal with the clients require to set up their office space. So, they tend to invest in the advanced IT infrastructure that includes in-house servers and computer systems. Moreover, an IT team is also needed to take care of the installed setup.
This poses a challenge as the current budget is exceeded and lawyers have to face the extra IT burden.
Cloud can be a smart financial choice for your legal firm. Moving to the cloud doesn’t require the addition of extra hardware or software on-premises as the cloud providers offer the required infrastructure to host all the apps and data. Moreover, they also take care of IT support.
Since lawyers do not have to invest in the overhead costs, your capital expenditure automatically decreases.
Challenge 5: Poor Business Continuity
Interruptions caused due to frequent hardware breakdowns or power failure can impact business continuity.
Generally, lawyers or legal industries work on computer systems with the installed software. Disruptive events like power failure can strike out of nowhere and at any time during the office working hours, causing downtime. But the nature of work requires lawyers to be in touch with the clients and work uninterrupted to continue the services.
One way to eliminate downtime and overcome this challenge is to adopt the cloud solutions provided by the cloud providers. The good cloud providers offer a 99.99% uptime guarantee backed by SSD-based High-Performance Computing (HPC) servers to avoid any disruption in the tasks.
Therefore, you will always be connected with your clients. This allows you to conduct business smoothly as usual and avoid the risk of business disruptions.
Challenge 6: Old Technology
Continually updating the existing software or upgrading to the technologies can be a tiresome task. Also, getting everyone adjusted to the latest technologies can be hard. This is a great challenge when attorneys are busy with hearings and clients.
When you move to the cloud, the legal apps are updated automatically. Moreover, the cloud provider also takes care of all the relevant licensing. This allows law firms to remain regularly up to date with the latest technology.
Wrapping Up
The lawyers are trusted by their clients to handle critical matters. Hence, it is imperative for them to adopt the latest technologies available in the market. With the adoption of cloud, the lawyers can combat the above challenges and win over any problem they face in their work routine.
Do you want to eliminate these challenges and adopt cloud solutions for your law firm? Get in touch with our Solutions Consultant at +1-855-223-4887.