Virtualization – A Simulation of Reality

Virtualization is the process in which a real scenario is simulated on platforms like a desktop PC or a Computer. This era belongs to the virtual world. There are number of things which are the direct beneficiary of virtualization. These services range from various complex domains such as shopping things virtually to simply chit-chatting with a remote friend.

Because of Internet penetration, virtualization of services via web has been need of the hour. It is only because of virtualization of banking systems that whole banking systems are in your pocket and it enables you to make financial transactions on the go.

Virtualization – A Simulation of Reality

Let us take the sneak-peak into the world of virtualization. These are various types of the virtualization mentioned below:

1. Hardware virtualization

Hardware virtualization is the one in which there is direct simulation of any real virtual device. The most relevant example of this virtualization is the setting up a virtual Wi-Fi router in your computer instead of buying a whole new hardware for that.

2. Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization makes separate the actual desktop from the physical computer. Physical computer can be one device or set of devices. This approach is used at the places where lesser number of server computers caters to a greater number of users.

3. Service Virtualization

Service virtualization enables any existing real time experience on the machines. For example, a music store can be simulated in which instead of buying a music CD at the music store shop, it can be bought from the virtual music store and downloaded/played instantly.

Virtualization has many advantages, but it has some downsides too. The main pros and cons are listed as below:


1. Efficient utilization of the resources

In most cases this is the immediate benefit of virtualization of the systems. It results in the lesser hardware material usage. Therefore more output from the limited resources.

2. Savings in operational expenditure

There is lesser operation expenditure because there will less need of IT staff and manual hardware maintenance costs.

3. Increase in ease for the end users

There is ease at the end user level because of virtualization. There is increase in better service because there is increased transparency and less time involved in to and fro queries. This is the direct consequence of the virtualization in the fields where customer service is of utmost importance like e-commerce businesses.


1. Increased security risks

Just like every coin has two sides we have other side of virtualization also. If and more services are virtual, there will always be a security situation in which you could be tricked to give away your precious data in non-desired way.

2. Servers overboard

This particular phenomenon is called server sprawl. Just because there is ease in making a service or server virtual therefore administrators in some of the scenarios create a virtual service/ server for each and every task. This diminishes down the advantage of virtualization over actual hardware further because of increased maintenance costs.

Having said all that, virtualization as a domain is here to stay, and stay for good! Hence, it is only logical to step on to the bandwagon sooner rather than later. In such a frantic world, where everything is acquiring a digital format, virtualization is much more than a buzzword!

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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Comments (1)

  • User's profile picture Boone Gorges says:

    Virtualization is the next big step in the technology front. It converges many different options together.

    • User's profile picture Debbie says:

      When I try to open Quickbooks I get a message: This voirsen requires Internet Explorer 6.0 or later. I have IE8 and have tried several fixes I’v reed about and nothing has worked. Any Suggestions?

  • User's profile picture George Stephanis says:

    It is a very cost efficient technology that is being accepted with open arms all around the world.

  • User's profile picture Rajiv Raghavan says:

    Makes consumer aware about the new technologies that are really taking a leap forward.

  • User's profile picture Dan Griffiths says:

    There are so many innovations that keep ticking the minds of consumers, but very few stamp a lasting mark.

  • User's profile picture Weston Ruter says:

    What defines virtualization is not the technology that runs in its cores, but it is the way it is being implemented.

  • User's profile picture Sam Brodie says:

    Basically, it is very easy to induce and moreover it runs very smoothly as well.

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