Server Virtualization – Build your own cloud

What is Server Virtualization?

It is the technique of carrying out multifarious independent virtual operating systems on individual physical server system. In this process, the masking of the resources is kept isolated from the server users. This masking will include processors, physical servers and operating systems.

The splitting of physical server, into multiple servers is carried out by the use of virtualization software. A host machine is where the actual virtualization takes place. Any operating system example Mac OSX, Windows Linux, etc. which are virtualized onto the host are called as the virtual machines.

Server Virtualization – Build your own cloud

How Can Virtualization Be Done?

There are three popular approaches to do the virtualization of servers: Paravirtual machine model, virtualization at operating system, virtualization at operating system layer and virtual machine model.

Server Virtualization helps reducing the carbon footprint reduction

The carbon footprint is the total sets of greenhouse gas discharge caused by an organization, product, event or person. Practically, by implementing the server virtualization technology, the carbon footprint generated by the company can be reduced. Here’s how:

  1. Generation of disused hardware gets reduced.
  2. Server Virtualization produces less heat.
  3. Less manpower to for management in firms by sticking to server virtualization.
  4. Less power consumption in virtualization.

Myths and Facts about Server Virtualization

Myth: Virtual Servers are very costly

Fact: The primary objective of the server virtualization is to save money for the firm.

Myth: Migrations of the data and application on virtual servers is strenuous.

Fact: Mostly all the applications, except a few, are capable to run on physical as well as virtual environments and so are their migration capabilities.

Myth: Virtual machines are more prone to security threats.

Fact: The virtual machines are always on a level of equality with the physical systems.

Myth: Backup and disaster retrieval is knotty.

Fact: The backup and recovery time are provided in a quick way in the virtual servers. It just takes few minutes to restore the damaged files.

Benefits of server virtualization

  • The server virtualization assists in saving the capital involved in buying hardware as it splits up a server into numerous virtual systems and utilizes the hardware of the host system.
  • It increases the server stability and downtime is highly reduced in the virtualization technology.
  • Footprints of servers get reduced in virtualized conditions as various servers get consolidated which is a cost-cutting factor.

Server Virtualization technology is amidst the other trends associated with the virtualization technology. It also enhances the efficiency of a firm’s data center.

This technology implementation is a boon to business, as it reduces their costs without influencing their businesses.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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