Sage Summit 2016: 4 Key Lessons From Entrepreneurs

Sage Summit, one of the most awaited events of the year for leaders and entrepreneurs, was held from July 26 to July 28 in Chicago. As expected, the event was a success and had a lot to offer for the attendants to learn and grow networks.

The event featured some renowned speakers who enlightened and inspired the audiences with the best skill utilization practices, strategy planning, etc. In this article, we are listing some of the key takeaways that Sage Summit 2016 had to offer for you.


1. Effect of Technologies on Professions

Everyone knows that almost every profession is feeling the impact of technologies. At Sage Summit 2016, we realized the extent of this impact. Daniel Susskind, famous economist came up with some very reliable figures and reasons to explain how technology is going to transform the way different works are executed.

He discussed the possible contribution of technologies like Artificial Intelligence along with the continuous demand for efficient work culture.

The co-author of The Future of the Professions suggested that in a longer run, certain professions will be eliminated and replaced by other professions. Attending his session gave a fine idea of what future has in store and how your business can adjust to make the best out of it.

2. Pegg – Your Siri-like Accounting Bot

Pegg is a chatbot that keeps a convenient track your accounting. Developed by Sage and Gupshup (a Bot-building platform), Pegg can be integrated with Facebook Messenger or Slack to start accounting track. It chats with you so that you can tell expenses or income that you made.

Apart from identifying the amount and its type on chat, it can even save your bills and receipts online and provide you a private link to check them out. Accounting entries are maintained by the app and you can view the statement or download it in various formats.

The interaction method of Pegg is pretty simple and if you have been using Messenger or Slack, your expense tracking is going to turn way easier. And hopefully, it will add a lot more to its features with future updates.

3. Keynote Speaker Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, was a keynote speaker at Sage Summit 2016. Being one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world, his speech meant a lot to a crowd of almost 20,000 entrepreneurs present at the event.

Branson was interviewed by CEO of Sage, Stephen Kelly. In the interview, he shared various inspirational, motivational, and practical methods that can be adapted to take the business the success. He shared his career journey and most suggestions were focussed at guiding Small and Medium scale Businesses (SMBs).

4. Migration to the Cloud

Like most of the other tech-dependent companies, Sage also has some challenges to face the shift to the cloud. In the event, Sage Summit 2016 CEO Stephen Kelly gave the idea on which company is working. He mentioned that they are expecting almost two-thirds of software and technology services will be cloud-based by 2020 and Sage is ready to adapt to the change.

However, they are not planning to force the customers to make the switch and use Sage application on cloud like many other competitors. For now, they are allowing the customers to work in their comfort zone.

Wrapping Up

The 4-day event is over after delivering a plethora of opportunities for entrepreneurs and accountants. Attendants have mentioned it as best Sage Summit so far. In case you missed it, you can still register for the event and check the various highlights of the event over the Internet.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

Find Julie Watson on:

Comments (1)

  • Pelton says:

    Shark Tank investors, Robert and John, shared some great guidance for young entrepreneurs in the event.

  • Tarsh says:

    I attended Sage Summit for the 3rd time. It is again an experience worth remembering. Learnt quite substantial things.

  • Verne says:

    Speakers at the event offered some amazing tips – realistic and updated. One of them highlighted how Pokemon Go became a viral thing and how businesses can use of it for their own marketing. I find that impressive.

  • Vaughn says:

    Pegg was seriously a great finding at the event. Glad you mentioned about it.

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