QuickBooks for Mac 2014 – A Detailed Analysis

QuickBooks for Mac 2014 was one of the most highly anticipated versions in the history of Intuit Inc. It’s like a rags-to-riches story plot. If you move 5 years back, the story would’ve been totally different. It is only now that with the massive influx of Mac users, Intuit has identified a potential market growth in turn utilizing their resources more efficiently towards the development on the latest Mac 2014 version. Ultimately, the market wants what the market wants.


Here’s a look at some features which have been recently added to the QB for Mac armory:

1. The Revolutionary “Income Tracker”

  • As the title suggests, income tracker is the most cutting-edge tool to have come out of the QuickBooks for Mac repertoire. It has been dynamically tailor-made to cater to business & accounting needs of CPAs and finance professionals across the globe.
  • It appears on the home-page providing an in-depth glance into the cash flow regime including in-bound & out-bound transactions.
  • Moreover, the business critical information is updated in real-time mitigating the hassle that comes with running reports first.
  • And if that wasn’t enough, it allows you to directly email or print transactions & statements from the tool.
  • With Income Tracker, you have the inherent capacity to work with:
  1. Overall transactions
  2. Paid sales
  3. Unpaid sales
  4. Un-billed sales

2. Searching

  • Keyword & phrase searching has entered the fray enabling you to find relevant information in a quicker and more efficient manner.

3. Additional Advancements

  • QuickBooks app has been converted to 64 bit.
  • The ability to transform estimates and patterns into purchase orders.
  • Assigning sales representatives to customers.
  • Payment vouchers, bill receipts & financial statements can now be printed.
  • “Guide Me Help” is now provided for your assistance.

The world of the Mac version of QuickBooks has experienced anything but consistency. Now that the number of dedicated Mac users is rapidly increasing by the second, it has finally received the critical acclaim that was due.

Alas! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

4. Sales Tax Ease

  • Any adjustment or customization or modification to the sales tax remuneration can be accomplished without the need of journal entries.
  • Additionally, credit cards have come into the picture when it comes to making sales tax payments.

5. The New-Look Home Page

  • Any fallacies in the interface properties of the previous versions have now been put to bed by the latest QuickBooks for Mac version.
  • It has adopted a user-friendly face with easy access where clients are able to achieve a quicker overview of all their essential details.

6. Customer/Vendor Centers Drastically Improved

  • Transaction list columns are subject to customization as per convenience with a simple click of the header button [Right click to be precise.
  • The conventional drag-and-drop method hasn’t become obsolete just yet. It allows you to select, de-select and re-order data items.

7. Set Up & Go

  • It helps to bring forth a seamless transition from the PC to the Mac version.

8. Snapshot

  • The advent of the “Snapshot” icon enables you to visualize your organization’s performance at a simple glance by mitigating the need to run various audit & review reports.

9. Toolbar Enhancements

  • Your ability to move around the QuickBooks software has been drastically improved with the provisioning of single-click access, shortcuts and the drag & drop customization on the left-hand toolbar.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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