QuickBooks Enterprise Cloud Hosting: Don’t Sleep on These Benefits

QuickBooks Enterprise has gained immense popularity in recent years as one of the most preferred accounting software amongst businesses. Apart from the basic accounting functionalities, QB Enterprise features Advanced Reporting, which gives you significant insight into your business and helps you achieve higher business growth. With QuickBooks Enterprise cloud hosting, you can overcome many limitations of the traditional desktop-based QB Enterprise version. Lack of remote access, collaboration, security, and performance are to name a few. 

QuickBooks Enterprise Hosting

Read on to explore what hosting QuickBooks Enterprise in the cloud means and how you can benefit from it. 

What is QuickBooks Enterprise Cloud Hosting? 

QuickBooks Enterprise cloud hosting is the installation of the licensed copy of desktop-based QB Enterprise on the remote server of a hosting provider. Hosted QB Enterprise is the transformation of the desktop-based application into a more powerful, efficient, cloud-accounting solution. With QB Enterprise hosted, you can access all the features and tools of the software remotely. Besides, you can collaborate with your team in real-time, ensuring improved productivity and business growth. 

QuickBooks Enterprise Cloud Hosting is a comprehensive solution for SMBs that have outgrown in size. It is ideal for various industry verticals like construction, retail, manufacturing, and distribution. The hosted solution enables you to manage your finances effectively and provides a great way to handle multiple transactions from different locations. Hosting QB Enterprise on the cloud means you don’t need to install the software on the local machine. As such, you don’t need to invest anything in setting up dedicated computer systems for your employees. Neither do you need to hire any in-house IT professionals to maintain the systems. 

Various cloud hosting providers offer Intuit Enterprise hosting with a wide range of services. You can avail of their services to get the benefits of the cloud and transform your accounting workflow. 

Benefits of Hosting QuickBooks Enterprise in the Cloud 

1. Anywhere, Anytime Access 

Hosting QuickBooks Enterprise on the cloud gives you remote access to the software. You can access all your QB Enterprise data and software using devices like smartphones, tablets, iPad, laptops, etc. Having remote access to your data enables you to assist your clients even during non-business hours as you don’t need to access a desktop-based setup in the office. All you need to do is log into your QB Enterprise cloud account, access your data, and assist your client using your preferred device. This way, you can ensure work flexibility while maintaining a work-life balance. 

2. Round-the-Clock IT Support 

Having round-the-clock IT support for all your hosted QB Enterprise-related issues is critical for ensuring business continuity. Instances might occur when you need instant IT support for the hosted application at any time of the day. In such cases, you must be able to contact your hosting provider to look into the matter and provide instant assistance. 

QuickBooks Enterprise Hosting

QB Enterprise cloud hosting providers give 24×7 customer support. If you encounter any issues with the hosted application, you can contact them via various means such as phone, chat, email, etc. As such, you don’t need to hire in-house IT staff to look into the problems – an effective way to reduce costs for your business.  

3. Improved Security 

Ensuring the security of your business data should be your priority. One mishap with your data could ruin your business and might take you years to rebuild it. 

QuickBooks Enterprise cloud hosting providers follow advanced security mechanisms to protect your data from online threats. They incorporate multiple security measures to safeguard your data. These include: 

  • End-to-end encryption 
  • Multi-factor authentication 
  • Multi-level firewall 
  • Antivirus and antimalware 
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention System, etc. 

Hosted QuickBooks Enterprise is a comprehensive solution for all your data-related issues. It ensures top-notch security of your data on the cloud. Besides the various security measures, cloud hosting providers take regular backups of your data on redundant cloud servers across different geographical regions.  

4. Real-Time Collaboration 

Timely completion of a project is essential for any business. To ensure that, you must be able to communicate with your team members and work simultaneously. Uninterrupted communication can help you get the job done on time without hiccups. 

QuickBooks Enterprise Hosting

Hosting QuickBooks Enterprise on the cloud helps you exactly do that. QuickBooks Enterprise cloud hosting enables you to collaborate with your team members seamlessly. When you host the application on the cloud, you and your team members can view and share documents virtually. If you have admin rights, you can authorize users to view/edit a file depending on their job roles. As such, all the team members can work on the same data simultaneously in a shared virtual environment, ensuring improved productivity and flexibility of working from anywhere.  

5. High Uptime 

Ensuring business continuity requires you to have round-the-clock data availability without interruption. While there could be instances of server downtime, you must ensure that QuickBooks Enterprise is hosted on a high-performance server. To cover this aspect, many cloud hosting providers deploy a High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure and provide a high server uptime of 99.99%. Such features enable you to run the hosted application on multiple devices simultaneously. You can be sure that the hosted QB Enterprise is always up and running.  

6. Highly Cost-Effective 

Being cost-effective is one of the most crucial objectives of any business. In the traditional desktop-based QB Enterprise setup, you’d need to install the licensed copy of the software on multiple computer systems. Secondly, you need to invest in costly IT infrastructure to house the application and hire an additional workforce to maintain the system’s upkeep. Not to forget, you must rent physical space for office purposes. All these add up to a significant amount of money, creating a bottleneck in ensuring a cost-effective business process. 

QuickBooks Enterprise cloud hosting services can save you those extra bucks as hosting providers take care of all your IT requirements. They host the application on their remote servers and take regular data backups, enabling you to use your preferred devices to access them. Besides, they handle software upgrades and server configuration, allowing you to focus on the core objective of your business. You get the hosting services by paying nominal monthly or yearly subscription fees. 

Final Thoughts 

Now that you know the many benefits of QuickBooks Enterprise cloud hosting, why don’t you give it a go? The benefits of remote access, high data security, easy collaboration, round-the-clock customer support, etc., make the hosted QB Enterprise a worthwhile investment. 

Got queries? Feel free to contact our Solutions Consultant @ +1-855-910-8219.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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