How Tax Challenges Can Be Met With ATX Tax Software Hosting

The life of tax professionals is full of challenges. They have to prepare and file tax returns, perform complex tax audits, create comprehensive reports, etc. To help them with these tasks, they use various tax software. One such popular application is ATX Tax software.

ATX Tax software helps tax professionals relieve their burden through its comprehensive functionalities. However, simply using the desktop-based application is not enough. It falls behind when it comes to remote data access. And this is where ATX Tax software hosting comes in.

It solves the challenges faced by tax professionals. For instance, ATX Tax software hosting allows users to access tax data from anywhere in the world.

You get quality hosting features like a 99.99% uptime guarantee, round-the-clock customer support, and more with the right hosting provider.

Below is a list of tax challenges that you can overcome with the hosted ATX tax software:


1. Employee Collaboration

Collaborating with colleagues and clients is a regular activity for any tax professional. However, without proper tools, things can become quite challenging. With ATX tax software, your data is locally stored. This means that you need to share tax data via email while collaborating. As a result, it creates multiple versions of the same file and fills your disk space.

Using ATX Tax software hosting gives you a centralized location for all the stakeholders. Multiple users can access the data simultaneously, and all the changes get reflected in real-time. This ensures that there is no data redundancy and everyone has access to the latest file version.

2. Data Privacy

Due to rising cybercrimes, tax professionals face a challenge in securing their data. Hackers have become adept at exploiting the tiniest of vulnerabilities to hack into your system. The subsequent data leaks then lead to financial losses. This also makes your clients susceptible to potential tax fraud. ATX tax software hosting from a reputed hosting provider proves to be a definitive solution for such situations.

Unlike its desktop version, hosted ATX software is equipped with Intrusion Detection and Prevention system, modern antivirus, and protection from DDoS attacks. Cloud hosting providers also offer end-to-end data encryption with the latest TLS 1.3 and 256-bit encryption. Also, they regularly update their security architecture, ensuring you get a foolproof solution.

3. Scalable Resources

Tax professionals are short of time during the tax season. Thus, they need a rapidly scalable solution to accommodate their seasonal needs. However, most tax professionals still use desktop-based ATX software. Permanent scaling requires a lot of time as well as capital investment. It may solve your problems for that season, but the hardware may become obsolete in the coming years.

With hosted ATX software, you have the freedom to choose additional IT resources at a nominal fee. It is a temporary investment, and you can scale down when you do not need the additional resources. All you need is to contact your cloud hosting provider, and they will take care of everything.

4. Talent Availability

Talent acquisition is one of the biggest challenges faced by tax firms today. They need tax professionals who have a deep understanding of the tax regulations and are efficient and productive. However, such talents may be hard to come by in your pool of locally-available candidates.

Using the hosted ATX Tax software changes everything for you. It can be accessed remotely; you can hire employees worldwide. All they need is to have login credentials and internet connectivity. You can take their interviews online and assess their skills.

Once recruited, you can let them purchase new devices or implement BYOD for hassle-free work.

5. IT Management

Preparing tax reports is time-consuming and requires concentration. What if you have to manage your IT infrastructure on your own? With locally-installed ATX Tax software, the IT management responsibility is on you. So, every time you or your employees run into an IT issue, it is you who has to fix the issue.

However, with hosted ATX Tax software, your hosting provider manages the IT issues. They deploy the resources via the cloud. They also have an IT team available round the clock for quick responses.

In the end, using a hosted ATX Tax solution minimizes your IT responsibilities to almost zero. You need to only manage the end-point devices, which are comparatively more straightforward to handle than the entire IT ecosystem.


6. Add-ons Performance

Nowadays, most tax professionals prefer using different add-ons with their ATX Tax software. This helps them save time and money. For instance, when you integrate QuickBooks with ATX Tax software on the same cloud, you can seamlessly transfer financial and Schedule C data.

On the other hand, you can only integrate a limited number of add-ons with desktop-based ATX tax software. With each addition, your system slows down, affecting the end-user experience. Renowned hosting providers deploy High-Performance Computing (HPC) servers in their data centers. HPC servers handle large data sets smoothly and process them quickly.

This means that you can process loads of data in less time without any lag. Thus, you can easily integrate multiple add-ons without experiencing any performance drop.

7. Disaster Preparedness

40 percent of small businesses never reopen after a disaster. Also, tax professionals often have their hands full so they often forget about disaster recovery. For instance, most tax firms lack credible disaster recovery processes within their organization. Most firms that have disaster recovery in place never test it.

Similarly, the usual ATX Tax software relies on local data storage, making it vulnerable to permanent loss from disasters. Cloud hosting providers use multiple geographically isolated servers to create multiple copies of your data. So, if you face a disaster, you can retrieve your data easily from any server if your storage gets damaged.

Furthermore, you can considerably shorten your recovery time and quickly start business operations again with the help of their expertise.

Choose The Right Cloud Provider for A Peaceful Tax Season

With so many cloud hosting providers in the market, choosing the one that suits your business needs is necessary. Ask your service provider a few questions, such as:

· Uptime guarantee

· Disaster recovery process

· Any hidden costs

· Security features offered

If you have any doubts regarding ATX Tax software hosting, get in touch with our Solutions Consultant by clicking the chat button below.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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