6 Ways DaaS Helps Businesses

There was a time when accessing official data was limited to your cubicle. Or, if companies wanted to hire remote workers, they had to provide them a desktop with the required configurations.

While this definitely seems a plausible option, it carries several liabilities like the risk of damage/loss, misuse, critical information leaks, etc., which in the end could easily stifle an organization’s growth.

However, technology has evolved. Nowadays, organizations can benefit from cloud-based technologies and do not need to purchase physical devices with the desired configurations. One such example is DaaS (Desktop as a Service) or hosted VDI. It has been one of the primary reasons behind this innovation.

6 Ways DaaS Helps Businesses

In DaaS, you get all the desired configurations in a virtual desktop with the help of a DaaS provider. The service provider installs your desired desktop setup on remote cloud servers. So, if you want to use a particular setup, you don’t need to access it physically. You can use another device that even differs in configuration and use internet access for working on the virtual desktop.

It provides many benefits like easy remote access, better data security, flexible scalability, and reduced IT expenses.

Keep reading to know about these benefits in detail:

Recommended ReadingWhy You Should Migrate To Hosted Virtual Desktop

1. Remote mobility

Touted as its most significant benefits, the implementation of hosted VDI brings in the much-needed remote accessibility within your organization. It is quite different from a traditional desktop environment or laptops, where your stored data and system configurations are device-specific. All the data is hosted on remote servers that can be easily accessed from anywhere, anytime via the internet.
This way, you can easily hire more remote employees around the globe without actually having them provide a desktop with the desired specifications. They can simply use their devices and access the required hardware and software configurations using DaaS.

2. Reduced IT costs

Another significant advantage of DaaS is its economic impact. When running a local desktop environment, you must invest considerably in repairs and maintenance. Also, you have to shoulder responsibilities like hardware upgrades, license renewal, and software updates, which are quite costly.
Moving to DaaS allows you to reduce your IT expenditure without compromising on service quality. As it is the DaaS provider who is liable for the maintenance and updates, you don’t need to pay for any repairs or maintenance. Everything is included in your package, for which you must simply pay a monthly subscription fee.

3. Flexible scalability

Everyone knows it is not easy to scale up a traditional desktop environment. First, you also need a physical space for it, scout for the required configurations, and then set it up. All this requires considerable time and capital investment which makes scaling up an inefficient process.
However, you can easily avail the needed desktop configurations with DaaS by simply contacting your service provider. They have ready-to-use desktop solutions that can be set up readily (a traditional in-house desktop setup generally requires a few hours). It is a simple plug-and-play model and lets you easily access the desktop of your choice over the Internet.

4. Premium security

Data security is one of the fundamental responsibilities of any organization. But, a traditional desktop setup offers a suboptimal security framework and can be easily hacked. Also, system access is difficult to control within the organization as there is no multi-factor authentication, which again paves the way for anyone to misuse the data.
However, DaaS is different. You get access to virtual desktops on a cloud platform. Most service providers offer a multi-layered security system with advanced technology—multi-factor authentication, role-based access, latest firewalls and antivirus, and AI data surveillance within the system.

5. Business continuity

Business operations within an organization are dependent on continuous data availability and system access. Hence, when either of them is compromised, it can cause multiple problems like delayed projects, missed deadlines, and even disrupt your business for a prolonged time. This is because local storage carries the threat of permanent loss of data.
Moving to DaaS allows you to solve both problems at once easily. You get access to your virtual desktop via the internet from the device of your choice. Also, the data is stored on several cloud servers. This means that if one of the servers is damaged, you can easily retrieve the data from another server and keep your business operations running.

6. Cost-effectiveness

For maintaining a traditional desktop environment, you must manage several expenditures like repairs, updates, upgrades, etc. Also, you must even buy/rent an office space for housing them with adequate security for its protection. All this calls for a hefty investment, which in the end, is not optimum for your financial health.
Moving to the hosted virtual environment allows you to circumvent these expenses and save up on your resources. The service provider handles the entire IT burden; you are only responsible for the devices on your end. Also, with remote desktop access, you can hire a large number of remote workers and avoid maintaining a large office space. This way, you can bring in the best talents from anywhere and also save significantly on office-related expenditure.

And finally

DaaS is a modern solution that opens the gates for an enhanced business experience with its unique offerings. It gives you an advantage over your competitors and enhances the quality of your services.

Want to try DaaS for FREE? Get in touch with our Solutions Consultant by clicking the below button.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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