Cloud Computing: Taking Businesses to Greater Heights

Business and technology have always been together in all walks of the globalized world. Businesses are influenced by each and every development that takes place in the technical world. Technical advancements might either cast a positive impact or a negative one. One of the technical feats that have really influenced the businesses to the utmost is Cloud Computing.

Cloud computing has completely modified the way businesses function. This technology has added a number of advantages to the world of business such as global accessibility of the data, working while travelling; Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), etc. Following are some of the reasons associated with cloud computing which have been working backstage to take businesses to greater heights.

1. Allows Businesses Save a Lot of Money

Way back in 2008, Citi Group announced to shut down some of its endeavors in order to save money and cut down expenses. As a result of this, thousands of employees were thrown out from their job. This example gives a clear cut explanation to the fact that each and every organization tries to control its expenditures in order to survive and to make huge profits, no matter how large they are.

The cloud computing technology has acted like a booster for small and medium businesses and has empowered them to compete with the big names in their respective fields. Cloud computing is based on “pay-as-you-use” model. This model is very cost effective and therefore attracts a lot of businesses towards itself.

Moreover, all the equipment and hardware is managed by the service provider. This helps you in saving money which you were unnecessarily spending earlier. You also save a lot of space in the organization, which can be used for some useful activities.

2. Simple to Handle And Use

When you switch over to the cloud, your service provider would enable you to access all the basic functionality and features straightaway from the dashboard of your home screen. Moreover, the cloud interface is built in a very user-friendly manner and enables the users to work in a very sophisticated way with added simplicity.

Your switch over to the cloud does not require installation or download of any software or application. This lets you save a lot of bandwidth. Moreover, all the tools that are needed for working in a cloud computing environment are easily available online.

3. IT Staff Can Be Removed or Their Activities Can Be Sidelined

Before the advent of cloud computing, all the IT-based infrastructures were installed and managed by the organizations themselves. In order to manage these tasks, enterprises had to appoint a separate IT team. This made the businesses to spend an extra amount, which they could have saved otherwise.

With the adoption of cloud computing, businesses no longer have to manage their own infrastructure. All the equipment is managed by the service provider. Since there is no hardware to be installed or managed, businesses no longer have to appoint a separate IT team. This will let them save a lot of money. Moreover, if the organizations already have a team of IT executives, they can be channelized to perform some other core activities.

Thus, businesses no longer have to take pain in the appointment and training of the IT experts.

4. Flexibility and Scalability

Cloud computing allows you to scale-up or scale-down your resources as per your demand. Whenever your requirement goes up, you can increase the storage space and processing capacity on the cloud, and when your requirement shrinks, you can cut down the storage space and processing capacity accordingly. Therefore, no matter how extensively your organization expands or contracts in the due course of future, you would not have to spend your efforts in order to restructure the entire infrastructure.

5. Eco-friendly

Global warming is increasing day by day and its worst effect can be seen on the polar ice caps. This environmental hazard is an outcome of increasing carbon levels. Prior to the evolution of cloud computing, every organization had its own infrastructure. This meant more power consumption which ultimately led to an increment in the carbon footprint. The environment is at the peak point of destruction. It is therefore a duty of every individual and enterprise to protect the ecosystem.

Cloud computing is one such way which can help the businesses to do their part in saving the environment. You may question out how can cloud computing protect the environment. The technology of cloud allows a number of users to share same resources. This helps in cutting down the power consumption and ultimately reduces the carbon emission.

These were some of the added advantages of cloud computing. Numerous organizations worldwide have benefited themselves from this technology. To experience these features, you yourself need to make a shift to the cloud!

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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