How To Choose the Best QuickBooks Hosting Provider in California

According to the Minority Business Development Agency, there are about 3.7 million small businesses in California that employ almost 6.7 million professionals, which is only 49.6% of California employees.

It roughly means that there are more than 13 million working employed people in California state that signifies the possibility of a healthy number of taxpayers and the requirement for accounting operations.

In the USA, QuickBooks remains on top when it comes to the choice of accounting software. Lately, the application has seen a shift to the cloud hosting environment for various productivity and efficiency region. The trend remains similar in California as well.


Cloud computing, data storage, and remote application access are some of the factors that invite a number of the concerns because of the geographic locations. So, if you are looking for QuickBooks hosting for your accounting needs in California, then here some of the considerations that require your attention:

1. Data Center Locations

Data protection legislation is different in different countries, which is commonly known in the US and the EU. Wish some countries in Asia, the legislation is even more complicated, and most of the California-based users will tend to avoid going with such data center locations.

The best choice solution will be to go with the hosting provider that can host your data within the country. Not only are you assured QuickBooks hosting provider will adhere to the regulations of the states, but the network delay, though marginal, is reduced.

2. Ease of Accessibility

Cloud solutions are intended to allow access all over the world and over any device. Therefore, the ease of accessibility must always be a solid concern for cloud solutions. QuickBooks hosting solutions offered by the providers must be compatible with all the devices that you are willing to use.

Along with that, the simultaneous accessibility of the solutions among the different users, regardless of whether they all are located in California or not, must keep the operations smooth and uninterrupted. The process of adding or moving the users should also be simple so that the admin does not have to spend much time on it.

3. Data Backup Location

Let’s assume that somehow the data center you are relying on suffers physical damage, out of natural disaster or something of that sort. Since we are considering it to be an event of a larger impact, it can cause disturbances in the larger geographical area. Hence, the location of the backup server is critical.

Go with a hosting provider that has data centers in separate locations for the backups. The process of the backup is usually automated and instant, so if the main server is down and the backup server is active, your QuickBooks will perform as if there was no disturbance at all.

4. Data Security

Practices adopted by QuickBooks hosting providers to keep the application and data protected from damage and theft attacks is also one of the important considerations.

Software and hardware-based firewalls, anti-virus software, TFA, encryption, etc. are commonly adopted security methods in the cloud environment. The regularity with the updates in technologies further adds to the security caliber of the provider.

5. Support Assurance

When it comes to technologies, the support requirements may come up even to the most proficient users of technology. When cloud computing is involved, the support is not required at the physical location, but it could be required anytime and when the user is at any remote location.

The hosting provider that you choose should be available round the clock and over the platform that you prefer, be it – chat, phone or email.

6. Cost-Effectiveness

The price you pay for the cloud services is an essential factor to consider when you host your QuickBooks application. It is crucial to check whether the QuickBooks hosting provider offers plans based on the number of users, resource usage, or any other aspect.

Also, the subscription fee can either be on a monthly basis or yearly basis. You must pay for only the services you are using. Therefore, carefully analyze the pricing plans offered by the cloud vendor for a budget-friendly solution. Moreover, clear out any hidden charges and the payment methods accepted by the hosting provider.

7. Customer Reviews

What all QuickBooks hosting provider’s client base has to say helps understand the services better from a customer’s point of view. You can have a look at the reviews or testimonials at various platforms like Serchen and Google Business.

Reading reviews from California-based clients will let you know more about its downtime history, customer support system, backup policy, and more in the area.

Final Note

Other factors, such as – ease of add-on integration, scalability, disaster recovery plans, etc. can also influence the decision in choosing the hosting service for QuickBooks desktop software. Depending on the exact nature and scale of your accounting firm, some of the factors may change further.

The considerations suggested in the article are more focused on location-specific thoughts.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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