ATX Tax Software Hosting in Tax Season 2023

We may not realize it, but we all use different cloud-based services like (Gmail, OneDrive, etc.) in our daily lives. It has revolutionized and impacted how we transmit and access our information. Tax firms and tax professionals have also realized the same and enjoy the benefits offered by the cloud with ATX Tax software hosting.  

You, too, can host your ATX software on the cloud and enjoy a unique experience during the tax season of 2023. You can always set up in-house hosting infrastructure; it is always better to use a hosted solution from a cloud hosting provider. You get a lot more flexibility.   

Here are the top reasons to host ATX software on the cloud during tax season 2023:  

1. Remote Availability  

Cloud-based solutions enhance your data accessibility and widen software outreach. They allow you to broaden your service sphere or easily hire the best talents from around the world. In an orthodox desktop environment, the data and applications you use are limited to local use only. You cannot access them without that particular device.   

However, ATX tax software hosting is different. It lets you access your tax data remotely via the Internet. All you need is a compatible device and authorization using valid authentication. This way, you can conveniently cater even if you’re outside the office or expand globally by hiring remote workers.  

2. Better Uptime  

You wait on a technician to repair your refrigerator when it breaks down. The same is not valid for your office desktop. The longer your desktop is non-functional, the more your work suffers. But, with hosted ATX tax software, your data and software are not stored on local devices. They are hosted on cloud servers that can be accessed with any device. So even if your current device malfunctions, you can quickly shift to another one.   

Furthermore, a reputed cloud hosting provider gives you up to a 99.99% SLA-backed uptime guarantee that ultimately lowers the downtime you experience to just 6 minutes per year!   

3. IT Administration  

We all know how easy things become when someone else does it for us. Just like receiving breakfast in our beds! A hosted ATX tax software is similar.   

Your service provider runs and manages the entire IT infrastructure and software installation and updates. You don’t have to lift a finger for it! Simply log in and do your work! This is something very essential for a productive and efficient tax season. 

4. Superior Data Security  

With cybercrimes rising manifold in the past few years, it has become essential for organizations to have an up-to-date security system. You may think of reinforcing your desktops, but they cannot be equipped with modern security tools. This has made the cloud an ideal infrastructure to store your data. It can easily incorporate the latest security measures like an IDP system, anti-malware detection, network surveillance, AI monitoring, data encryption, etc.   

Furthermore, a renowned software hosting service has years of experience deploying the necessary security measures. They ensure best security practices are implemented for adequate data protection during tax season 2022.  

5. Employee Collaboration  

Being a tax professional is no easy task. Apart from mind-boggling calculations and data collection, there is a fair deal of collaboration involved. ATX Tax Software Hosting greatly simplifies your collaboration. It offers a centralized database that instantly reflects the changes made.  

There is no need to send the same file back and forth via email; all you need is simply upload it to the cloud server. Then, all the stakeholders can access it and work simultaneously. The changes are also reflected in real-time. It is comparatively more effective than the conventional approach and lets you easily collaborate with your co-workers.  

6. Cost Benefits  

Using a third-party hosted solution carries numerous cost benefits. Firstly, you don’t have to deploy your server infrastructure. Your service provider provides everything. All you need is to use any personal devices, which are significantly less costly to maintain. You can do that or implement a BYOD policy.   

This ultimately narrows down your IT responsibilities and associated cost to almost zero! Furthermore, since a hosted ATX tax software can be accessed remotely, you can have your staff working remotely and save up on workplace-related expenses.  

7. Eco-Friendliness  

With ongoing climate changes severely affecting the world, our responsibility is to look for carbon-friendly alternatives. One of the approaches could be going paperless. It is both cost-effective and healthy for our environment. However, most organizations are apprehensive due to the inconsistent data integrity provided by desktops. They fear losing their data if their office is damaged. But this can be changed with ATX tax solution hosting. A seasoned service provider hosts it on several data centers that are strategically located. Your data is regularly backed up in those servers. So, even if one fails, you can still access your data from another one.   


Hosting your ATX Tax software on the cloud can prove to be a game-changer during the tax season of 2023. You get remote access to your data with better data security. Also, collaborating with fellow team members becomes easier. All you need is a suitable cloud hosting provider, and you’re good to go.   

Wish to get the benefits of ATX Tax software hosting for your tax firm? Connect with a Solutions Consultant at 855-375-4955. 

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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