Nolan Foster

Nolan Foster

Connect with Nolan Foster

With 20+ years of expertise in building cloud-native services and security solutions, Nolan Foster spearheads Public Cloud and Managed Security Services at Ace Cloud Hosting. He is well versed in the dynamic trends of cloud computing and cybersecurity.
Foster offers expert consultations for empowering cloud infrastructure with customized solutions and comprehensive managed security.

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LAUSD (LA Unified School District) Ransomware Cyberattack

A major cyberattack hit U.S.’s second-largest school district over the Labor Day weekend, causing a complete digital shutdown on Monday, September 8. According to the Los Angeles Times, the cyberattack…


There is danger lurking on every corner of the web. How do you protect your team from harmful web content?  The Internet is a wealth of knowledge and entertainment. But…

Top 10 SIEM Solutions For 2024

2024 comes with increased anxiety about cyberattacks. In light of increased multi-vector attacks at global organizations, you need insider information on the best SIEM solutions poised to lead the market…

Cloud Security vs. Cybersecurity: What’s The Difference?

With the wave of digitalization engulfing even the smallest companies, no form of data is secure from advanced breaches. Companies are using every strategy available to protect their business operations…

Are Mass Layoffs Carrying a Cybersecurity Risk?

Layoffs are difficult, but they do happen.  Every day we hear about another mass layoff taking place. Big giants such as Twitter and Amazon have recently laid off more than…

AIIMS Cyberattack 2022: How Can India’s Healthcare Cope with Data Breaches?

Our healthcare providers keep us up and running, but are hospitals themselves safe in the age of cybercrimes? The healthcare sector is facing a barrage of cyberattacks nationally and internationally….

What is NGAV (Next generation Anti-Virus)?

Next-Generation Antivirus solutions are designed to update the legacy antivirus to address the modern cybersecurity threat landscape. NGAV shifts from signature-based detection to machine learning and behavioral analysis which includes…

What is Endpoint Protection and How it works together in layers?

Business IT infrastructures have changed due to the shift to remote and flexible modes of work, which has caused corporate endpoints to leave the network environment and, thus, its internal…

Is The Antivirus Software Now Dead?

Antivirus software has been the subject of a long debate for a while now. Previously, Antivirus was the cornerstone of security methods for most enterprises and residential users. AV technology…

Google’s Zero-Day Chrome Vulnerability Explained

In early November, Google rolled out an emergency patch for a zero-day vulnerability in its flagship Chrome browser. This is the seventh Chrome vulnerability fixed by Google in 2022. Let’s…