Hosted VDI Solution: What’s in it for Small Businesses

Hosted VDI is a cloud-based service offered by third-party providers, wherein they provide virtual desktops to an individual or a business. With the benefits of the digital workspace, many companies have opted for VDI solutions for their businesses. However, many companies out there thinking of migrating their businesses to cloud-based infrastructure are intimidated by this new technology as they have many misconceptions about the hosted virtual desktop cost, security & working.

Hosted VDI Solution: What's in it for Small Businesses

Small to medium-sized businesses are making efforts in finding ways with VDI solutions for their company. The digital workspace trend has risen after the COVID-19 situation. People see large benefits in hiring a Hosted virtual desktop provider that provides cost benefits, agility, and streamlined business goals rather than having their own IT infrastructure, which is expensive & hard to manage in this pandemic situation.

What is a Hosted VDI?

Hosted VDI is a service in which service providers utilize Virtual Desktop Infrastructure technology to deliver cloud-hosted virtual desktops to the end-point devices of users. It delivers applications without actually buying them. The provider hosts the desktop virtually & all the applications on the cloud, which requires only a working internet connection.

How Hosted VDI Solution is Useful to Small Business

Hosted VDI can benefit small to medium type enterprises in many ways, from making the business agile to bringing the best out of their workforce through uninterrupted operations & work from anywhere benefits.

Nowadays, businesses are saving their large CapEX expenses by investing in Hosted VDI services that eliminate the need for an extensive IT team to manage the infrastructure as the provider manages all the challenging IT tasks.

Here is why small businesses should opt for Hosted VDI.

Hosted VDI Saves Cost

Businesses need to pay only for the service they require with flexible pay-as-you-use pricing plans. Hosted VDI limits the need for in-house IT hardware & physical infrastructure required to manage the business. The saved expenses are more useful for small businesses that are tight on budget & have limited expenses for managing their IT.

Hosted VDI Increases Data Security

Hosted virtual desktop providers maintain physical data security and create virtual desktops on a multi-layered security infrastructure. Some of the security safeguards include multi-factor authentication, antivirus programs, end-to-end encryption, Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDPS), access controls, smart policies, and more.

Hosted VDI Provides Controllability

For any business, its information & data is most vital. The companies need to secure the critical information from any unauthorized user, who can intentionally and unintentionally cause data loss.

Hosted VDI providers control who can access the particular data or applications. The chances of data leakage are negligible & businesses that need shared data can easily do it without any hesitation of security. All the control is in the hand of the hosted virtual desktop provider.

Hosted VDI Makes Business Agile

Hosted VDI solutions offer small businesses the freedom of working from anywhere from any device. The virtual desktop provider delivers the desktops on any device like mobile, iPad, or laptops. Virtual desktop hosting provides a workspace environment no matter where you are working.

Hosted VDI Enhances Troubleshooting

Less hardware causes fewer problems. Businesses opting for hosted VDI solutions get virtual desktop remotely on their devices. Any troubleshooting tasks are performed by the hosted VDI provider from a single point no matter where you are rather than the IT team reaching individual desktops to fix the problems.

Hosted VDI is Environment Friendly to Businesses

The most important reason for accepting hosted VDI by all the businesses is that it is environment-friendly. With fewer infrastructure & hardware devices, there is less industrial waste in terms of carbon emission & greenhouse gases that constitute a significant role in depleting the ozone layer, thus increasing global warming.

Hosted VDI Provides DRaaS Solution

Hosted virtual desktops are most important in any unfortunate conditions like pandemic (Covid-19), earthquake, or other natural disasters. Disaster Recovery as a Service helps maintain the business continuity & retain the clients when going to the office is not feasible.

Hosted VDI Is Compatible

There are no such issues related to compatibility as the desktop OS is readily available on any device. Each user is provided with a dedicated Virtual Machine(VM) that runs a separate operating system(OS).

Hosted VDI Increases Business Productivity

The cloud-hosted desktop solution uses a central server & data is always available irrespective of the location from where you have logged in. This is the best feature for remote users. It doesn’t hamper the business goals & objectives. The employee can resume his work from where he has stopped, which increases the average productivity & efficiency of doing work than a typical IT infrastructure.

Are you thinking of deploying Hosted Virtual desktop infrastructure for your business?

2021 might be the year of transition for many businesses. After COVID-19, many companies are finding more flexible ways of working from home, giving rise to Hosted virtual desktop (HVD).

Hosted VDI helps in the transition of growing or reducing the services without spending much on the hardware/software or dedicated server. Many third-party companies provide the best virtualization solutions for your small business providing a secure virtual desktop.

Get hosted virtual desktop plans starting at just $34/Desktop that cater to a range of users, from light to multimedia ones, by getting in touch with us at +1-855-223-4887.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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