What Experts Think: Cloud Predictions for 2015

As IT environments progress and companies move their applications to cloud, it’s safe to say that cloud technology has come a long way. Today cloud is solving many issues for both small and big companies. But they still need the assistance of reliable advisers to help them wade through the sea of cloud providers.

Whether it is about implementing new security laws for cloud technology, minimizing the usage of business resources or ongoing growth of private players in the cloud market, there are so many assumptions and predictions we can think of.

Here are some prominent cloud computing predictions for 2015 from cloud experts of 451 Research, IO, IDC, and Dell.

What Experts Think Cloud Predictions for 2015 Infographic

1. Better law enforcement for the cloud: Last year saw many data leak incidents within US military and Sony. According to IDC, 65% of organizations will look for improved data privacy legislation.

2. Open source technologies will see growth: A report by IDC suggests that by the year 2017, 20% of companies will incorporate sources having an open framework.

3. IT automation services leap forward: IDC suggests that one-third of major IT companies would support and start working on automation techniques by 2017.

4. Downfall of IaaS offerings: IDC states that the growth in the IaaS offerings was constant over last few years, whereas researchers suggest that in the coming years they will be rebranded, redesigned or phased out.

5. Cloud service providers consolidation: IO states that a huge consolidation process among data centers and cloud providers will emerge in the next two years.

6. Hybrid solutions will advance: According to IO about 90% of applications would run on the hybrid cloud in 2015. More and more service providers will upgrade their services to the hybrid cloud.

7. Asia – The new center for data centers: A report by IO suggests that Alibaba, which offered first IPO last year, will become one of the biggest companies, which signifies a definitive move of data centers to Asia.

8. Security cost on the cloud will increase: 451 Research states that the expenses of securing data on the cloud would rapidly increase in the coming years.

9. Private cloud players will strengthen: According to a report by Dell private players in the cloud will bring more stable and cost-effective processes into action and will be an attractive option in future.

10. Minimum IT Specialization: With most companies outsourcing their businesses, they will need little technical support and can focus on the resources they are left with.

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Comments (1)

  • Sharon Blazejowski says:

    Law enforcement for cloud was facing turmoil for a long time. With FCC clearing its stand in favor of net neutrality, we might witness major changes this year on how law treats cloud.

  • Edmund R Milo says:

    Open source shaped cut-throat competition in software…now it’s time for cloud. But the real competition is still some years away.

  • Robert I. Cowan says:

    I was hoping for fall in pricing for the cloud storage….however you have stated that security expenses will increase, which will eventually increase the pricing.

    • Deepanshu Gahlaut says:

      Good performance from small players in cloud industry might force big ones to drop their pricing. But that is not likely in the near future. Also, no one is willing to compromise on the security and if the better security methods arrive, most clients will adopt it even with higher pricing.

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