Top Content of 2019 Ace Cloud Hosting Blog

At Ace Cloud Hosting, our main aim is not only to deliver the best cloud services but also to help businesses grow and reach their maximum potential.

We continuously publish useful content that includes blogs, knowledgebase, infographics, press releases, and a lot more written by experts to help our customers become more proficient at their work. 2019 was a year of ever-growing technology, and we covered blogs in multiple categories. Here is a summary of everything that we delivered this year, and what we have in store for the coming year.

Awards and Recognition

Ace Cloud Hosting has always been recognized for its excellent services. Previously, we won the Great User Experience 2019 award by FinancesOnline. And this year, ACE has added a feather in the cap.

Ace Cloud Hosting Won Best Customer Satisfaction Award By K2 Enterprises

K2 Enterprises announced the K2 Quality Awards 2019, one of the most respected and long-standing awards in the accounting industry in September 2019. Ace Cloud Hosting was the proud winner of this award in the customer satisfaction category.
Continue Reading – Ace Cloud Hosting Won Best Customer Satisfaction Award By K2 Enterprises

Ace Cloud Hosting Makes Alliances

Ace Cloud Hosting partnered with Microsoft under their CSP partnership program as a Tier-1 (Direct) Partner.
With this partnership, we will now be providing Office 365 licenses to our customers. Along with this, we will also provide free migration and setup, and round the clock support from Microsoft certified professionals.
Continue Reading – Ace Cloud Hosting is Now Selling Office 365 as Microsoft CSP Tier-1 (Direct) Partner

Advisory Partners Visit Ace Cloud Hosting Office

1. Geni Whitehouse, Joanie Cooper Mann, Doug Sleeter Visited Our Office

Ace Cloud Hosting advisory board members – Geni Whitehouse, Joanie Cooper Mann, and Doug Sleeter visited our office in March this year.

ACE Cloud Hosting Team
Ace Cloud Hosting Team with its Advisory Board Members – Geni Whitehouse, Doug Sleeter, and Joanie Cooper Mann

Ace Cloud Hosting Team with its Advisory Board Members – Geni Whitehouse, Doug Sleeter, and Joanie Cooper Mann

They shared their tips on the accounting industry and cloud technology. With their experience and knowledge, we had the opportunity to learn from them and provide better services to our customers.
Continue Reading – Geni Whitehouse, Joanie Cooper Mann, Doug Sleeter Visited Our Office

2. Interview with Geni Whitehouse: How CPAs Can Become Business Advisors

Geni Whitehouse is an accounting influencer known for her business ‘Even A Nerd Can Be Heard’.
Ace Cloud Hosting got an opportunity to interview her in which she discussed the changes in the accounting industry and how the role of a CPA is shifting to the advisory.
Read the entire interview here.

3. Interview with Doug Sleeter: Tax Season and Technology

Ace Cloud Hosting interviewed Doug Sleeter, the founder and former CEO of The Sleeter Group.
He spoke about his take on the best practices and technologies, such as going paperless and adopting cloud for the tax practice to become more efficient in tax season.
Read the entire interview here.

Blog Series

We started a blog series on “Accounting Events” last year in November and ended this year in January.
This 7 blog long series covered all the accounting events and why such events are important for accountants. It also covers topics such as – how to balance work and events, how to use events for networking, and a lot more.
Here is a summary of this Accounting Events blog series.

Lessons To Be Learnt From 2019

Every year is a new beginning. And the important thing before stepping into a new year is to learn from your previous years’ experiences.
We wrote a few blogs that will help you to better prepare for the year 2020.

1. Is Your Business Prepared For A Cyber Attack? (Infographic)

2019 was a year where businesses witnessed a number of cyberattacks that caused a heavy loss to them.

Is Your Data Secure 4 Tips How To Stay Safe Against Ransomware

Ace Cloud Hosting takes care of its customers, and so we made an infographic covering all the aspects of cyberattacks and what you can do to keep your self safe from such attacks.
To know more, go through this infographic.

2. Top 10 FAQs You Should Know About Ransomware

With the world going digital over the past few decades, cyber crimes have been on the rise. Ransomware is one of the most feared cyberattacks by businesses as well as government organizations.

Top 10 FAQs You Should Know About Ransomware

A ransomware attack can cause a business heavy financial loss. Thus, you must take relevant measures to safeguard your business and be prepared for any such attacks.
Explore top ten FAQs that you should know about ransomware.

3. 10 Ways How Offices Can Go Green? (Infographic)

Environmental degradation has been on a rise over the past few years. The condition has worsened to such an extent that now it has become very important for everyone to take an initiative to improve this deteriorating condition.
Taking small steps towards protecting the environment can cause a huge difference.
Here is an infographic stating 10 ways to keep your office green and healthy.

All Set For 2020

1. VDI In 2020: Future, Growth, and Challenges

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) came into being in 2006 and has emerged as one of the most sought-after cloud technologies in recent years.
VDI started with the non-persistent desktops and has been evolving since then.
2020 is going to be a huge year for VDI, with big companies like VMware and Citrix introducing their cloud-based desktop management solutions.
Here is everything you want to know about VDI in 2020.

2. QuickBooks Desktop 2020: What’s New

QuickBooks is a leading accounting software by Intuit that is used by the majority of accountants, CPAs, and enterprises in the US and other parts of the world.

QuickBooks 2020

Source: Firm Of The Future

Intuit has launched the latest version of QuickBooks Desktop – QuickBooks Desktop 2020 and has some new and essential features for the customers.
See what are the new and improved features of QuickBooks 2020.

Most Popular Blogs

1. Cloud Technology

  • Data Center + HPC + Security + BCDR: A Perfect Cloud Environment

While looking for a cloud hosting provider, there are a lot of parameters you should look at before making a decision such as – pricing plans, support, SLA, etc.
But most importantly, you should take the security features of the provider into consideration as well.
This article talks about all such important aspects for a perfect cloud environment that a hosting provider must offer.
Read full article here.

  • High-Performance Computing (HPC): All You Need to Know

High Performance Computing, or HPC, is the use of parallel processing and supercomputers to run advanced and complex application programs.
HPC systems are evolving with time, and so its demand in the market has also been increasing.
If you wish to deploy an HPC setup for your business, here is all that you need to know about this technology.

2. Accounting Blogs

  • Top 20 QuickBooks Hosting Questions and Answers

Anyone using QuickBooks Hosting or planning to use it in the future might have many questions about how it works on cloud.
In this blog, we have answered the most frequently asked questions related to QuickBooks cloud hosting.
Check out the full list of questions and answers here.

  • Top 20 Influencers in Accounting You Should Follow

The best kind of learning is from those who already are an expert in that field. There is so much happening in the accounting industry that it gets difficult to keep up with the change.

Top Accounting Influencer

So, rather than trying to gather information from different sources, you can follow industry professionals who share their ideas and thoughts on various social media channels and their personal blogs.
Here are the top 20 influencers in accounting who you should follow.

  • QuickBooks Hosting for Mac: What Are Its Benefits?

Most of the businesses these days use Mac for their business work.
While using QuickBooks on Mac, you might face certain problems, especially when it comes to accessing your data remotely. Hosting your QuickBooks on the cloud is a way out of these problems.
Know the benefits of hosting QuickBooks for Mac in this blog.

  • 5 Ways How An Accountant Can Become A Trusted Advisor

For every accountant, it is a matter of pride to be called a trusted advisor.
Nowadays, people want advice from someone they can trust for formulating and implementing their business strategy and who will not misuse their money and personal details for their own benefit.
Here, comes the role of a trusted advisor.
Here are 5 ways of how an accountant can become a trusted advisor.

3. Informational Blogs

  • 10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read To Be Successful [Infographic]

For every entrepreneur to become successful, they need to develop certain skills such as communication skills, analytical skills, and many others.
The best way to develop these skills and to keep at par with the industry is through reading.
We have made a list of top 10 books that every entrepreneur should read to be successful.

  • 10 Ways to Deliver Exceptional Customer Experience [Infographic]

The success of any business depends on its customers. Keeping the customers happy should be the utmost priority of any business.
For this, having well-trained customer support is extremely important.
Here is an infographic on ways to deliver exceptional customer experience.

  • Frustrated With Your Application Hosting Provider? Switch To Ace Cloud Hosting

There are many reasons why you might want to change your application hosting provider. A few of those are-

  1. Not getting the required services
  2. Bad customer support
  3. Security issues

If you are facing any issues with your current hosting provider or are planning to move to cloud for the first time, here are several reasons why you should switch to Ace Cloud Hosting.

Final Note

Did you enjoy reading our blogs? What was your favorite blog this year? Do you want us to cover something that you want to learn?
Please post your views and feedback in the comments section below.
In case you want to know more about cloud solutions, connect with a Solutions Consultant at +1-855-223-4887.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

Find Julie Watson on:

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