How QuickBooks Enterprise Hosting Is Great For Large Enterprises

In the past few decades, Intuit’s QuickBooks has steadily progressed to become one of the most widely sought accounting solutions. It is a robust accounting application with tremendous functionalities and multiple versions for different businesses.

Out of them, QuickBooks Enterprise is one of the most preferred for use by large enterprises – it is a complete business solution.

However, using it traditionally carries several limitations that can be detrimental to organizational operations. It operates through traditional collaboration methods, takes a lot of time when it comes to scalability, and cannot withstand modern-day cyberattacks.

How QuickBooks Enterprise Hosting is great for Large Enterprises

However, there is a solution – cloud-hosted QB Enterprise. The software is installed on a cloud server, the access to which is provided via the Internet.

This way, you can overcome the traditional limitations and enjoy better features like round-the-clock accessibility, improved data security, business continuity measures, and much more.

Here are the top 5 benefits large enterprises can enjoy by hosting their QB Enterprise.

1. Unhindered Mobility

While it is no doubt that QuickBooks Enterprise is a premium accounting solution used by various large enterprises, there are some limitations that its traditional usage can never address. Using it conventionally makes it hardware-dependent and restricts your organizational operations within the office premises. Also, even if you go for portable devices like laptops, there is always a chance of losing them or suffering from a sudden hardware malfunction.

Hosting your QB Enterprise frees you from these hardware-associated constraints and enhances your operational mobility. In QB Enterprise hosting, all you require is good internet connectivity with the relevant authorization – you can access your QB Enterprise from anywhere, anytime. This dramatically boosts the reach within your system, enabling your employees to work remotely. Also, by providing remote access, QB Enterprise hosting smoothens the offsite-onsite interaction and greatly magnifies your working capability.

2. Multi-User Collaboration

Working in a large enterprise means collaborating and sharing data within your team regularly. And this is where the problem begins. Most enterprises use traditional methods for collaborating that is both tedious and time-consuming. These methods involve exchanging the edited version of the same file repeatedly until the work is done. This leads to the accumulation of multiple versions of the same file, which creates confusion and decreases productivity.

However, via QB Enterprise hosting, you can easily collaborate with your co-workers and easily overcome its conventional limitations. The files are stored at a centralized location where any changes made to them get reflected instantly. So, instead of sending the same file multiple times, the users can work simultaneously on it. This allows multiple users to collaborate with ease and avoids unnecessary confusion with traditional collaboration.

3. Premium Security Support

One of the critical things while handling a large enterprise is its data security. QB Enterprise on the conventional desktop environment lacks the necessary tools to thwart modern cyber-threats. Also, as the QB Enterprise is housed locally, it is rather difficult to limit its access on the organizational level. This, combined with the weak cyber-integrity, makes your organization vulnerable to both internal and external threats.

Hosting your QB Enterprise hosting allows you to boost your organizational security and have access to premium cyber-solutions. A cloud environment has a multi-tier terrestrial system. It is deployed with modern anti-hacking tools like firewalls, antimalware software, and the latest IDPS system. Also, it is constantly regulated by a team of trained IT professionals and is timely updated to counter cyber-attacks. Combined with the different compliance adherences like PCI-DSS and HIPAA – the service providers furthermore strengthen your data security.

4. Credible Data Recovery

The larger an enterprise, the more data it has to handle. This calls for adequate data handling capacity, something not available with traditional QB Enterprise usage. Locally storing your data has multiple risks. It can be easily damaged by natural factors like fire, earthquakes, etc. Also, your enterprise may lack the necessary IT infrastructure required to properly backup your data and recover it when needed. This may lead to irregular data backups, confusing redundancy, and other human-prone errors.

However, with the hosted QB enterprise solution, you automatically implement the measures necessary to prevent any potential data loss. The data stored on the cloud is maintained at several remote servers by which you can quickly recover it in case of hardware failure. And even if a calamity impairs any server, data from another center is readily available. Also, you can set your data to be automatically backed up and avoid data redundancy and other errors.

5. Economically Cost-Effective

While managing a large enterprise may seem like always having access to a large capital pool, things can be quite different from the inside. A large enterprise has its own share of expenses that you must handle systematically for the resourceful use of its finances. They have a lot of variable expenditures and sometimes are difficult to detect. This can potentially drain down their resources in the long run and cause severe financial losses. However, with QB Enterprise hosting, you can easily manage your firm’s cost-efficiency and retain the necessary productivity.

One of the areas that require significant capital investment is the IT setup. By opting for a hosted solution, you can substantially trim down your IT expenses and still have premium services at your disposal. During hosting, the service provider is responsible for the maintenance and setup of the IT infrastructure, with the minimum requirement being a monthly subscription fee. And since hosting means having access to a remote facility – you can hire remote workers and save up on the office-related costs as well.


QuickBooks Enterprise hosting is a unique way for large enterprises to minimize their expenses, improve productivity, collaborate better, and protect their data from modern-day cyber threats. If you’re already using QuickBooks Enterprise, try hosting it on the cloud to experience a modern way to complete your tasks.

Reach out to one of our Solutions Consultants at 855-270-6252 or click the below button.

About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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